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Notification dated 20/06/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers of Assam Judicial Service to attend 1 (one) day “Refresher Training Programme” on “(i) Preliminary Decree and Final Decree: Issues and Challenges & (ii) Suit Valuation and Court Fee” scheduled to be held on 24.06.2023 at the Judicial Academy, Assam.

Notification dated 20/06/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers of Assam Judicial Service to attend 1 (one) day “Refresher Training Programme” on “(i) Preliminary Decree and Final Decree: Issues and Challenges & (ii) Suit Valuation and Court Fee” scheduled to be held on 24.06.2023 at the Judicial Academy, Assam. – (View

Notification dated 19/06/2023 regarding notifying the distribution memo attaching the police stations with the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunals in the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh for submission of FAR, IAR and DAR before the respective Claims Tribunals.

Notification dated 19/06/2023 regarding notifying the distribution memo attaching the police stations with the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunals in the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh for submission of FAR, IAR and DAR before the respective Claims Tribunals. – (View)


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