Notification dated 04/11/2022 regarding starting of an official Telegram channel to offer more citizen centric service to Advocates, litigants and all concerned stakeholders. – (View)
Category: General Notice
Notification dated 01/11/2022 regarding interview/ interaction for empanelment as legal aid counsel in the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Notification dated 21/10/2022 regarding confirmation of officers in Grade-I of Assam Judicial Service. – (View)
Notification dated 21/10/2022 regarding allotment of duties/ responsibilities for the National Seminar organised by the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court in collaboration with the Government of Assam on 29th October, 2022. – (View)
Notification dated 21/10/2022 regarding allotment of duties/ responsibilities for the National Seminar on 29th October, 2022. – (View)
Notification dated 20/10/2022 regarding drawing of TA and DA who will attending the National Seminar w.e.f. 27th October, 2022 to 29th October, 2022. – (View)
Notification dated 14/10/2022 regarding Duty Allotment for National Seminar to be held on 29th October,2022. – (View)
Notification dated 01/10/2022 regarding nomination of Hon’ble Judge as Portfolio Judge for the Districts. – (View)
Notification dated 30/09/2022 regarding nomination of the Registrar (IT), Gauhati High Court as Nodal Officer to monitor and carry out activities related to replication of judgments and orders of the High Court in the ‘Judgments and Orders Search’ portal. – (View)
Notification dated 01/10/2022 regarding appointment of Registrar (Judicial) as the Nodal Officer to carry out the monitoring with regards to the judgement passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter Suo Moto Writ Petition (Crl.) No. 4 of 2021. – (View)