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Notification dated 15/11/2023 regarding direction to the Judicial Officers of Assam, Nagaland and Mizoram to attend a “Sensitization Programme on Family Court Matters” scheduled to be held on 01/12/2023 at the Judicial Academy, Assam.

Notification dated 15/11/2023 regarding direction to the Judicial Officers of Assam, Nagaland and Mizoram to attend a “Sensitization Programme on Family Court Matters” scheduled to be held on 01/12/2023 at the Judicial Academy, Assam. – (View)

Notification dated 14/11/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officer to attend “Cybercrime Workshop-2” conducted by Federal Judicial Centre, Washington and CEELI Institute, Prague scheduled to be held on 9th & 10th December 20223.

Notification dated 14/11/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officer to attend “Cybercrime Workshop-2” conducted by Federal Judicial Centre, Washington and CEELI Institute, Prague scheduled to be held on 9th & 10th December 20223. – (View)

Notification dated 08/11/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers to attend the 2 (two) day “National Workshop for Gender Sensitization of Judicial Officer (SE-30)” scheduled to be held on 02/12/2023 and 03/12/2023 at the National Judicial Academy (NJA), Bhopal.

Notification dated 08/11/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers to attend the 2 (two) day “National Workshop for Gender Sensitization of Judicial Officer (SE-30)” scheduled to be held on 02/12/2023 and 03/12/2023 at the National Judicial Academy (NJA), Bhopal. – (View)

Notification dated 26/10/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers to attend the training programme on “40 hours Mediation Training Programme” to be organised by the Nagaland State Legal Services Authority from 31-10-2023 to 04-11-2023 at Kohima, Nagaland.

Notification dated 26/10/2023 regarding nomination of Judicial Officers to attend the training programme on “40 hours Mediation Training Programme” to be organised by the Nagaland State Legal Services Authority from 31-10-2023 to 04-11-2023 at Kohima, Nagaland. – (View)

Notification dated 26/10/2023 regarding exemption of Judicial Officer to attend the training programme on “Refresher Course on Land Acquisition” to be organised by the National Judicial Academy from 28-10-2023 to 29-10-2023.

Notification dated 26/10/2023 regarding exemption of Judicial Officer to attend the training programme on “Refresher Course on Land Acquisition” to be organised by the National Judicial Academy from 28-10-2023 to 29-10-2023. – (View)

Notification dated 12/10/2023 regarding nomination and exemption of Judicial Officer to attend the training programme on “National Seminar on Judicial Skills(p-1365)” to be organised by the National Judicial Academy,Bhopal from 14-10-2023 to 15-10-2023.

Notification dated 12/10/2023 regarding nomination and exemption of Judicial Officer to attend the training programme on “National Seminar on Judicial Skills(p-1365)” to be organised by the National Judicial Academy,Bhopal from 14-10-2023 to 15-10-2023. – (View)


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