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Notification dated 29/03/2025 regarding postponment of the sensitization programme on “Remand and Bail-Statutory Provisions vis-à-vis Right to Liberty under Article 21” for all the Grade-I, II & III Judicial Officers of the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh scheduled to be held on 29/03/2025.

Notification dated 29/03/2025 regarding postponment of the sensitization programme on “Remand and Bail-Statutory Provisions vis-à-vis Right to Liberty under Article 21” for all the Grade-I, II & III Judicial Officers of the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh scheduled to be held on 29/03/2025.– (View)New Notice

Notification dated 25/03/2025 regarding nomination of the Judicial Officers to attend the 5 (five) day course on “Crime against Women” scheduled to be held at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), Hyderabad.

Notification dated 25/03/2025 regarding nomination of the Judicial Officers to attend the 5 (five) day course on “Crime against Women” scheduled to be held at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), Hyderabad.– (View)New Notice

Notification dated 24/03/2025 regarding direction to all the Grade-I, II & III Judicial Officers of the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh to join the Sensitization Programme on “Remand and Bail-Statutory Provisions vis-à-vis Right to Liberty under Article 21” through virtual mode.

Notification dated 24/03/2025 regarding direction to all the Grade-I, II & III Judicial Officers of the States of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh to join the Sensitization Programme on “Remand and Bail-Statutory Provisions vis-à-vis Right to Liberty under Article 21” through virtual mode.– (View)New Notice

Notification dated 20/03/2025 regarding direction to the Judicial Officers of Assam and Nagaland recently promoted to Grade-I to attend the “Judicial Knowledge Enhancement Programme” scheduled to be held in the Judicial Academy, Assam.

Notification dated 20/03/2025 regarding direction to the Judicial Officers of Assam and Nagaland recently promoted to Grade-I to attend the “Judicial Knowledge Enhancement Programme” scheduled to be held in the Judicial Academy, Assam.– (View)New Notice

Notification dated 17/03/2025 regarding deputation of Trainee Grade-III Judicial Officers of Assam Judicial Service presently undergoing Induction training at Judicial Academy, Assam for a knowledge sharing tour for 5 (five) days w.e.f. 24/03/2025 to 29/03/2025.

Notification dated 17/03/2025 regarding deputation of Trainee Grade-III Judicial Officers of Assam Judicial Service presently undergoing Induction training at Judicial Academy, Assam for a knowledge sharing tour for 5 (five) days w.e.f. 24/03/2025 to 29/03/2025.– (View)New Notice

Notification dated 17/03/2025 regarding nomination of Judicial Officer to attend the “Refresher Programme on Cyber Laws & Appreciation & Handling of Digital Evidence (ECT_14_2024)” on 21/03/2025 at the Judicial Academy, Assam.

Notification dated 17/03/2025 regarding nomination of Judicial Officer to attend the “Refresher Programme on Cyber Laws & Appreciation & Handling of Digital Evidence (ECT_14_2024)” on 21/03/2025 at the Judicial Academy, Assam.– (View)New Notice

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