Online Application for the Posts of Library Assistant in the Gauhati High Court, 2024. (Apply)
Order dated 29/02/2024 regarding engagement of Stenographers in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court purely on contratual basis. (View)
Addendum dated 28/02/2024 regarding Additional Provisional List in connection with direct recruitment for the post of Programmer in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Advertisement dated 28/02/2024 for direct recruitment of Library Assistant in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Advertisement dated 28/02/2024 for direct recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Notification dated 23/02/2024 regarding schedule of written examination in connection with the direct recruitment of 1 (one) post of Programmer in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. (Notification : Provisional List of Eligible Candidates : Rejected List of Candidates)
Notification dated 23/02/2024 regarding schedule of Viva-voce/ Interview in connection with the direct recruitment of Stenographer Grade-III in the Judicial Academy, Assam. (View)
Advertisement dated 23/02/2024 for direct recruitment of 6 (six) posts of Senior Personal Assistant/ Stenographer Grade-II in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Advertisement dated 22/02/2024 for direct recruitment of 6 (six) posts of Stenographer Grade-III in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Online Application for direct recruitment of Systems Assistant in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court and District Courts of Assam. (Apply)
Notification dated 21/02/2024 regarding result of the written examination held on 27/01/2024 in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Advertisement dated 20/02/2024 for direct recruitment of Systems Assistant in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court and District Courts of Assam. (View)
Notification dated 06/02/2024 regarding modification of answer keys in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant for the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Notification regarding the answer keys of the question paper for the written examination held on 27/01/2024 in connection with the direct recruitment of Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. (View)
Download Admit Card for Written Examination for direct recruitment to the posts Judicial Assistant in the Kohima Bench of the Gauhati High Court. (Download)
Notification dated 12.01.2024 regarding modification of answer key of the written examination dated 07-01-2024 for direct recruitment of Stenographer Grade-III in the Judicial Academy, Assam.(View)
Advertisement dated 12.01.2024 for direct recruitment of 1 (one) post of Programmer in the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court.(View)
Notification dated 08/01/2024 regarding answer keys of the question paper for the written test held on 07/01/2024 in connection with the direct recruitment of Stenographer Grade III in the Judicial Academy, Assam. – (View)
Notification dated 05/01/2024 regarding final result in connection with the direct recruitment of Library Assistant in the Judicial Academy, Assam. (View : Final Marks : Marks in Written Exam)