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নিযুক্তি (অধীনস্থ আদালতসমূহ)

Notification dated 06/11/2023 regarding modified answer key of the written examination for direct recruitment to Stenographer Grade-II for the District Courts of Assam.  – (View)

Notification dated 16/10/2023 regarding answer keys of the Written Examination dated 14/10/2023 in connection with direct recruitment to Stenographer Grade-II for the District Courts of Assam.  – (View)

Download Admit Card for Written Examination for direct recruitment to the post of Stenographer Grade II for the District Courts of Assam. – (Download)

Notification dated 04/10/2023 regarding appointment to the post of Court Manager in the district courts of Assam.  – (View)

Notification dated 25/09/2023 regarding written examination for direct recruitment of Stenographer Grade-II in the district courts of Assam. – (View)

Notification dated 23/08/2023 regarding declaration of final result in connection with direct recruitment of Court Managers under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the state of Assam.  – (Notification : Marksheet)

Notification dated 23/06/2023 regarding topic of Project Report and schedule of Interview in connection with direct recruitment of Court Managers under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the state of Assam.  – (View)

Notification dated 03/06/2023 regarding result of Written Examination in connection with direct recruitment of Court Managers under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the state of Assam.  – (View)

Download Admit Card for Stenography Skill Test for direct recruitment to the post of Stenographer Grade II/ III for the District Courts of Assam. – (Download)

Notification dated 01/06/2023 regarding declaration of final result in connection with direct recruitment of Protocol Assistant in the Establishment of District and Sessions Judge, Dibrugarh.  – (Notification : Marksheet)

Notification dated 30/05/2023 regarding answer key of the written examination held on 27/05/2023 for direct recruitment of Court Managers under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the state of Assam.  – (View)

Download Admit Card for Written Examination the posts of Court Manager under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court.  – (Download)

Notification dated 22/05/2023 regarding result of Written Examination and schedule of Interview/ Viva voce in connection with direct recruitment of Protocol Assistant in the establishment of D&SJ, Dibrugarh.  – (View)

Notification dated 19/05/2023 regarding modification of answer key of the written examination dated 13/05/2023 for direct recruitment of Protocol Assistant in the Establishment of D&SJ Dibrugarh.  – (View)

Notification dated 15/05/2023 regarding schedule of Stenography test for direct recruitment of Stenographer Grade-II and Stenographer Grade-III in the district courts of Assam.  – (Notification : Accepted List Grade-II | Accepted List Grade-III : Rejected List Grade-II  | Rejected List Grade-III)

Notification dated 15/05/2023 regarding answer key of the written examination held on 13/05/2023 for direct recruitment of Protocol Assistant in the establishment of D&SJ Dibrugarh.  – (View)

Notification dated 09/05/2023 regarding Schedule of  Speed Tests for serving Stenographers of District Courts of Assam for promotion to Stenographer Grade-I & II.  – (Notification : Accepted List of Grade-I : Accepted List of Grade-II : Rejected List)

Download Admit Card for Written Examination for the post of Protocol Assistant in the establishment of District & Sessions Judge, Dibrugarh, Assam.  – (Download)

Addendum dated 09/05/2023 regarding Additional Provisional List in connection to recruitment of Court Managers under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the State of Assam.  – (View)

Notification dated 03/05/2023 regarding schedule of written examination in connection with the direct recruitment to the post of Court Manager under the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court in the State of Assam.  – (Notification : Provisional List  :  Reject List)

নিয়োগ (আৰ্কাইভ)

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