Notification dated 31/05/2022 regarding result of Written Examination and schdule of Interview/ Viva-Voce in connection with direct recruitment of Junior Accounts Assistant for the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Advertisement dated 19/05/2022 in connection with Walk-In-Interview for filling up 1 (one) vacant contractual post of Front Office Coordinator in the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Notification dated 17/05/2022 regarding modification of answer key of the written examination for direct recruitment of Junior Accounts Assistants for the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Notification dated 10/05/2022 regarding result of Written Examination and schedule of interview/ viva-voce in connection with direct recruitment of Computer Assistant for the Principal Seat and Law Research Institute of the Gauhati High Court. – (View)
Notification dated 26/04/2022 regarding answer key of the written examination for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Accounts Assistant for the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Notification dated 21/04/2022 regarding modification of answer key of the written examination for direct recruitment to the post of Computer Assistant for the Principal Seat and Law Research Institute of the Gauhati High Court. – (View)
Apply online for direct recruitment to the post of Judicial Assistant in the Itanagar Permanent Bench of the Gauhati High Court. – (Apply)
Notification dated 06/04/2022 regarding answer key of the written examination for direct recruitment of Computer Assistant for Principal Seat and Law Research Institute of the Gauhati High Court. – (View)
Advertisement dated 05/04/2022 for direct recruitment to the post of Judicial Assistant in the Itanagar Permanent Bench of the Gauhati High Court. – (View)
Download Admit Card for written examination for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant in the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. (View)
Download Admit Card for Stenography Skill Test for the post of Stenographer Grade-II in the Judicial Academy, Assam. (View)
Addendum dated 04/04/2022 regarding additional list of provisionally allowed candidates to appear in Stenography Skill Test dated 09.04.2022 for the post of Stenographer Grade-II in the Judicial Academy, Assam. (View)
Addendum dated 28/03/2022 regarding additional list of provisionally allowed candidates to appear in the written examination dated 09.04.2022 for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant in the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. – (View)
Download Admit Card for written examination for the posts of Computer Assistant in the Principal Seat and Law Research Institute of the Gauhati High Court. – (Download)
Appointment Order to the post of Senior Personal Assistant in the Gauhati High Court, Principal Seat. (View)
Notification dated 15/03/2022 regarding schedule of written examination for filling up the post of Junior Accounts Assistant in the Gauhati High Court Legal Services Committee. (View) (Candidate List) (Reject List)
Notification dated 15/03/2022 regarding schedule of Stenography Skill Test for filling up the post of Stenographer Grade-II in the Judicial Academy, Assam. (View) (Candidate List) (Reject List)
Notification dated 07/03/2022 regarding schedule of the written examination for filling up the posts of Computer Assistant in the Principal Seat and Law Research Institute of the Gauhati High Court. (View) (Candidate List) (Reject List)
Notification dated 04/03/2022 regarding result of written examination and schedule of the interview/viva-voce for recruitment of Senior Personal Assistant for the Principal Seat of the Gauhati High Court. – (View)